Game Pieces

Region: In the Old Kingdome
Forged:By Strump in the Kingdom of Tooth
Ability:Realses the Sea Monster
Transformation: Can change into any Sea Creature of the Deep

Region: In the Old Kingdom
Forged: By Strump in the Kingdom of Aves
(also known as the Cloud Kingdom)
Ability: Able to see miles ahead into the distance
Transformation: Can cange into an Eagle

Region: In the Old Kingdom
Forged: By Strump in the Kingdom of Voltare
Ability: Can Cause Earthquakes
Transformation: Changes into a Giant.

Region: In the Old Kingdom (Northern Realm of the Kings)
Ability: Lightning Strength with the ability to kill 7-10 people at a time.
Transformation: When not in use can change into the Sword of Power.
When worn around neck will transform the wearer into a crazed savage,
there is no stopping who he could kill.

Only Game Piece Known to Grant Wisdom to its Barer

Region: In the Old Kingdom
Forged: By Stump in the Kingdom of Grass
Ability:  Can camoflage and blend into any landscape.
Also contains the ability to find Underground Mazes.
Transformation: Can change into a Mighty Oak Tree that could tear through
the ground below.

Region: In the Old Kingdom
Forged: By Strump in the Kingdom of Shadows
Ability: Can be used to release the Black Dragon
Transformation: Can change into a Serpent and disappear into the shadows.

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