Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Snow, Snow and more Snow - Tonights Blog

Snow, Snow and more Snow:

In Strump: A World of Shadows, there id a lot of Snow falling in the Northern Realm where Sky Castle is located. The castle that is featured on the cover of the book rest over 8,000 meters in the air. It is carved not only on top of the mountain but it also goes down 35 floors into the mountain.

The Kings Tower Room is the highest point in the castle and shoots out above the clouds like a magical arrow pointing towards the sun. It is in this room that King Aerostat the II meets with both his sons to decide whom he would choose to rule after his death.

Everyone is expecting his oldest son, Gorgan to sit upon the throne, but the twists of fate might have something else in store for both brothers. 

Enjoy Strump on this cold winters night and if you have go out tomorrow Drive Safe! 

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