Sunday, January 12, 2014

Funny Story

The picture below is of the bear cave that I wrote about in the STRUMP. During this scene King Gorgan is entranced by Karvardas, the Shadow Lord who is possessing his body. Gorgan is swindled by his evil uncle who tells him that in order to get respect from the others he has to kill a Northern Bear. Which I might add no one has ever been able to do. Gorgan being stubborn agrees to the challenge. 

When I wrote this chapter I thought of a similar situation in my own life that now, looking back seems funny to me. It was not I might add when I actually lived it.  

My two brother in laws and I encountered a wild beast on an open cattle farm in Santa Cruz, Boliva one day. We were on our horses looking and counting the cows roaming the pasture when out of nowhere sitting on a small hill there was a panther staring down at us. He was licking his lips and looked like he was going to prance and attack us at any moment. Being with two the toughest guys I have ever met I, needless to say, had to pretend that I was a tough guy myself.

Truth be told half of me wanted to run the other way, and the other half wanted me to be cool and press forward. I chose the second option and lived to write the story of a bear and a task that thank goodness I only had to write about. Needless to say that was the last time I visited that farm. 

How about you? Have you ever found yourself in a situation that you somehow managed to get out of and that now that you lived, it somehow  seems to be more entertaining the frightful? 

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